Ex Hire Boats
Why are hire boats being offered for sale?
Boats that have been commercially operated for self-steer hire on the inland waterways are often sold into the private market. This doesn't mean that the boat has come to the end of it's useful life, but that a new boat may be replacing the boat or that the hire fleet numbers are being reduced.
Are ex-hire boats past their prime?
The boats are built for the purpose and regularly maintained to minimise the chance of breakdown during service: however, it is likely that the engine hours will be higher than might be found on a privately-owned craft and generally equipment will have experienced heavy usage. The external and internal areas are likely to show signs of wear, repeated usage & cleaning and damage, such as scratches to the external paintwork. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that the boats are past their prime and the level of usage is reflected in the asking price.
Ex-hire boats are full of beds and toilets
Yes, as the boats will have been designed for holiday use in the Spring, Summer and Autumn period for a maximum number of people for a limited period. Hence, lots of beds and toilets and most likely minimal storage space. However, the layout can usually be modified to say turn a bedroom into a saloon or a second bathroom into a walk-in wardrobe. Often the hire boat company has built the craft and able to undertake modifications to the same quality standard.
Are hire boats tested to the same Boat Safety Scheme requirements?
No, higher. As hire boats are used by the general public the BSS (Boat Safety Scheme) requirements for the BSS Certificate are more stringent. If the boat is sold into the private market the existing BSS Certificate is valid until expiry and a new BSS Certificate would be required to the privately-owned craft (lesser) requirements.
Can I run the boat as a hire boat?
Yes, it is possible for you to own the boat and operate it as a hire boat. This could either be under your own company or within an existing hire fleet. If you decide to operate it yourself, you will need to satisfy the requirements of the Navigation Authority including buying a business licence that is a lot more than a private boat licence.
If within an existing fleet then the boat could be seen as an investment, as not only would you own the boat but you would receive an income from any bookings. You would be able to use the boat for pre-booked periods in the year, and the boatyard would take care of bookings, customer care and routine boat maintenance. The actual deal would depend upon the hire boat company.
Where can I find ex-hire boats for sale?
Occasionally we have ex-hire boats for sale, however, we mainly sell privately-owned craft. Ex-hire boats for sale may be offered for sale upon removal from the fleet, or following a period of private ownership since leaving the fleet. Any that we have for sale at the moment are listed below.
Ex-hire boats can be a sound boat at a reasonable price

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