Buying a boat through ABNB
Your Research
Initially, check our boat listings: you have a choice of whether to view a summary of boats on our Boats for Sale - Grid View; or our more detailed Boats for Sale - List View.
They are updated daily, and for your convenience you can sign-up for an e-mail alert of boats added. You can also follow us on Twitter at #ABNBbrokerage or like us on Facebook!
When you see a boat you like on the website or in one of our magazine adverts you can either download the brochure from the website, request a brochure via the email alerts form, or call us so that we can post you the full brochure.
Every boat is complimented by a comprehensive full colour sales brochure: 4 pages packed with information, photos and a detailed line drawing of the boat. The photos are taken by us and show the boat in its current state - not when it was launched! Similarly the comprehensive written detail is the result of our careful inspection of each boat - we spend around four - five hours on board each boat in order to obtain the detail for our brochures.
Take a look at our testimonials page and read how some past customers feel about the service we provide:
"Brochures and website are particularly good, better than all competitors"
Use the links throughout our website to discover lots of useful information you'll be glad to know about during ownership of your boat. Buying a narrowboat is just the start of your journey! Remember there's licencing, mooring fees, servicing and maintenance costs also!
Canal and River Trust are enthusiastic about providing information to new boaters, they have a DVD explaining how to get started.
"The friendly spirit that pervades the waterways means there is a lot of help available on the spot but it’s obviously a good idea for new boaters to build up their knowledge and confidence in other ways too".
This link will take you to the Canal and River Trust website where you can discover more. Take a look.
If you then decide the boat is for you - call us to discuss your desire to purchase, your means of funding the purchase and whether the decision is subject to survey or demo, for example. When agreement is reached you will be asked for a deposit of £1,000 - this will take the boat off the market whilst things are sorted, such as demo, survey or finance. Deposits are fully refundable up to the date of exchange of contracts.
Your deposit is paid into our Client Account, named as such and kept at all times separate and distinct from our trading account.
We will not take an offer from you if the purchase funds are being raised from the sale of a house or boat UNTIL you have exchanged signed contracts with a completion date.
PLEASE NOTE: To comply with Anti Money Laundering regulations, we conduct identity checks on all named Buyers and anyone else paying funds into our Client Account. There will be a small charge to cover our costs for this service.Onsite Facilities
Thinking of buying a boat now or in the future? Download our Buying Through ABNB leaflet.