Vendors and buyers will often ask if we know of a contact for engine servicing, general maintenance and such like.
Below we have compiled a list of tradesmen with their contact details.
Simon Pollard
Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Operating Coventry and surrounding area, Nationwide
Installations, Servicing, Breakdowns and Fault Finding Wallas Diesel Cooker, Kabola Heaters
07770 433 287
Fax: 01788 891 894
Based in Northamptonshire
Narrowboat Cleaning Services
Andy Tarry
07762 146 737This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
J K Davis
Coded Welder and Fabricator
07860 543 287
Tim Carter Overplating
Grand Union Canal, just North of Weedon
Cabin Work • Stretching •
Hull Blacking • Painting
07774 711 817
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D R Marine
Mobile Marine Engineer
Operating in Northamptonshire and surrounding area
Gas Safe registeredWebasto • Eberspacher • Mikuni
Electrics • Gas • Installation and repair
David Hull
07840 980 768This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ed Boden
Mobile Marine Engineer
Operating on the lower Grand Union, parts of the
and Lower Oxford Canals
Specialises in engine and gearbox repairs,
servicing and charging systems.
07941 048 847
Peter Brown Bsc MABSE
Independent Boat Safety Scheme Examiner
07973 630 861
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Charles Colledge
Boat Safety Scheme Examiner
Charles Colledge
07375 138 182
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Alan Buckle
Boat Safety Scheme Examiner
Alan Buckle
07856 686 363
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If you would like to be added to our listing please contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or telephone.
Whilst we have provided the contact details for the various trades listed above we can only recommend their services based on our previous experience and knowledge of their practises. It does not serve as a guarantee for or against the individuals involved and any works they may have carried out on your behalf.
MG Boat Services
Engine servicing, plumbing, electrics, woodwork and more
Operating in Northamptonshire and surrounding area
Mark Grainger
07376 002 182
07891 448 108
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